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Sorry for the absence the past week. This month has felt like a whirlwind. It seems like we've been going, going, going all month, and as much as I love adventures and parties and family and friends and long road trips and swimming and the movies and the beach and mountains and BYU and hellos and goodbyes and visits and surprises and long lost friends and shopping and trying new things and the cabin and reminiscing...it's nice to be back in my own home and have the opportunity to breathe for a bit.
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Last night when I finally got home from our trip to Utah, I wasn't feeling very well. I had a bit of a head cold and between the pressure from driving through all the mountains and the twists and turns and bumps and a really big lunch, my stomach just wanted to turn itself inside out. All I could even think about doing was passing out on my bed (and maybe making a quick trip to the bathroom so my stomach could finish taking care of that whole turning itself inside out thing.) Dan helped me into bed and brought me some medicine and cough drops with a glass of water, he fed London and played with her until she was ready for bed, he changed her diaper and put her in some jammies and laid her down for bed. After spending almost a week without him, it's not hard to remember why I love him. It's so good to be home.
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1. London playing in the living room.
2. Waking up at the cabin this last week.
3. Bowling with Dan's family.
She gets more beautiful every day!
Geez London is so gorgeous! You (and Dan) are gonna have quite the time keeping the boys away...
She is so cute!
Also, I can't how many times I have conked out somewhere random in our house or diagonally across our bed and my husband has come in and helped me get changed into pajamas even though I am completely incoherent. Husbands really must love us or something.
Glad you are home safe and hope you are feeling better now. It was so fun to see you and spend some retail time together and to see that beautiful baby. Those eyelashes just get longer and longer and she gets more beautiful every day. So glad you have such a wonderful husband to take care of you both...love, Grammie
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