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Thursday, February 10, 2011

30 Days of Blogging: Day 11

My Bucket List:
-Visit these places: Thailand, Portugal, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Britain, Ireland, India, Egypt, Israel, Iran (I know, that's like impossible), Kenya, South Africa, Morocco, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Alaska, Canada, the Pacific Northwest, Tahiti, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, New Orleans (at Mardi Gras!), and Greece.  Expect this list to keep on growing.
-Live in a foreign country.
-Have children.  Raise them to be good, decent, honest, compassionate human beings.
-Ride a donkey down into the Grand Canyon.
-Teach an English Literature class.
-Get a Masters degree.
-Sew all of my kids Halloween costumes.  Or if they don't want me to, at least have the ability.
-Write a novel that will change at least one person's life.  Even if that one person is me.
-Learn to paint.
-Dye my hair.  I've always been afraid to do this.  Don't get me wrong, I love my color, but I'd just like to see what I'd look like as a blonde or a brunette.
-Join a protest.  I'd like to feel like I'm changing the world.
-Perform in Les Miserables.  I'll take Eponine or Fantine.
-Restore our piano.
-Have a huge garden like my Grandma and Grandpa Carr.
-Live on a farm/ranch and learn the meaning of hard work.
-Do volunteer work in a third world country.
-Serve a mission.
-Spend a week on a beach, doing absolutely nothing.
-Live in a little old house.  Make it my own.
-Have a love story that rivals John and Anne Donne.  Yeah, I went there.

There's probably more and maybe I'll add to this, but it's bedtime.

30 Days of Blogging.

1 comment:

Autumn @ Autumn All Along said...

This reminded me of a lot of things that I should add to my list.