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Monday, February 7, 2011

30 Days of Blogging: Day 8

Goals.  I'm not so good at these, but here goes.  This month I'd like to:
1) Do the dishes every night.
2) Pay attention to what I'm eating, and make sure it's healthy.
3) Get up and move around.
4) Learn to sew.  Which I should have been doing since I got my sewing machine.
5) Write more often.
6) Practice on my wonderful piano everyday.
7) Remember all the blessings in my life and be grateful for them.
8) Have the best Valentine's Day ever with Dan.
9)Visit my aunt and uncle.
10) Don't sweat the small stuff.
11) Go to the Getty.  And to the zoo.  Also,the Farmers Market.
12) Make something beautiful for someone else.
13) Make a new friend.
14) Try a new recipe once a week.

30 Days of Blogging.

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